Tuesday 9 October 2012

Shot Sizes

There are seven main shot sizes which is used thoughout media;
1) extreme close up
2) close up
3) medium close up
4) three quater shot (3/4 shot)
5) medium long shot
6) long shot
7) medium shot.

Below are drawings which i have scanned, of the different shot sizes which I used as a plan to tell me what photo's i needed to do for each shot. I did this using a digital camera.
My shot sizes

My Camera Shots

Below i have inserted pictures taken on a digital camera showing examples of the different shot sizes:
 Extreme close up (ECU)

 Close up (CU)

 Medium close up (MCU)

 Medium shot (MS)

 Three quarter shot (3/4 shot)

 Medium long shot (MLS)

 Long shot (LS)

Using different shots creates different effects for example using an extreme close up shot will show facial expressions which will display an effect eg. serious or frightened.

Rule of thirds

This shot shows the rule of thirds guide lines.

Here are some useful links about the rule of thirds:

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