Wednesday 16 January 2013

MAIN Post 3a: Further look at opening sequences

To extend my wider knowledge i looked at another sequence and I have attempted to pick out as many parts that do and don't work in it.

I have chosen Taken's opening sequence. This sequence is very good I believe as it very interesting throughout and hooks the audience into it and makes them desperate to see the whole of it. The cuts for each clip in it is fast which fits in with the film as the film is fast moving and exciting. Throughout it shows who the main characters in it and shows the naivety of young girls in just the opening sequence! The music is non-diegetic and is very fast beat which again fits in with the film. Also it continually show little clips of the action in it which again hooks the audience in to it. This opening sequence in my opinion is very good as it lures the audience in to it which makes them want to watch more, and gives them a message of what it is about.

However a negative thing about this opening sequence would be that it is quite fast and could get the viewer confused as they wouldn't quite get what its about unless they keep rewinding it. Although this is a very good sequence in my opinion some people may disagree with me by saying it gives away to much of what the film is actually about.

Below is a link to this scene and the video of it; 

MAIN Post 3: Research into Opening Sequence Designs

Below are the links to the two interviews which helps my group and I choose our opening scene. Also are the notes I took from them.

The main objective when making a film opening scene is to attract the audience so that they want to see the film. It is said that it is importance to "hook the audience" so that they will really want to see the rest of the film. It was said that it was better to use simple methods when creating the opening scene. It was important that the opening scene must not be tedious and non original as it would have a negative impact on the viewings. This was a key thing which will help my group and I, when making our opening scene. However Kyle Cooper said that editing shouldn't be ruled out as its cheaper and will help my group and I save time. In conclusion I feel that this interview will be very beneficial for the group and I as it will give us a guidance of how to make a really good opening scene which we draw in the audience and keep them fascinated and interested throughout and not bored.

post 2: Genre

When choosing the genre my group and I found it hard to choose one as there are so many different genres. Below are a list of the most popular genres my group and I could come up with;
1)Action Adventure





We then narrowed it down to which genre would be the most popular  genre and which wold be best to base our film on it. These were, action based film as many are of this and comedy as this is also a major genre for films. However as a group we decided that the best way to find out other peoples opinion would be to make a questionaire asking the people what they thought. We gave the questionaires to people from our school. Below are the questions we asked;

1) what is your favourite genre?

2) How many times a month do you go to the cinema?
Below is a link to a website which helped my group and I to understand what the Top genres of 2012 are going to be. The hobbit and the hunger games both were high up in the chart as expected.