Saturday 8 December 2012

Post 8


How did the shoot go? and What problems did you encounter?

The footage we shot as a group was good. We came across a number of problems during filming, one being that we laughed alot which stopped filming, which caused problems during editing as our shots we captured were very short.

How did you over come these problems?

We over came these problems by staying calm and organised, making sure that everyone in our group knew what they were doing and what needed to be done.

How well did you work as team?

I feel and believe we worked well as team because we were able to complete at a high level. We were able to help and guide one another and was easy and comfortable to share thoughts together.

What do you think of the footage you shot?

Overall I would say our footage was of a high standered for a first attempt, but we also now know what we must do to make it even better.

Are there any areas for improvement in the technical execution?

- leave around a 5-7 second pre-role in between each shoot which would have left more time between each line and director saying action, making it slightly easier to capture our shots during editing.

Have you abided by the rules of continuity?

I believe we have followed the rules of continuity as we have not crossed the 180 degree line and have made sure that our eye lines match up. We have included everything that was specified in the brief which included of match on action, 180 degree rule and the 30 degree rule in our short film.

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