Saturday 8 December 2012

Post 1 MAIN task

      For this main task post 1, I shall be carrying out research on conventions of an opening sequence. I shall be doing this as for my main task it will be too create an opening sequence. I shall be analysing the opening sequence for two films of different genres in order to show the conventions used so that I could use them for my task.

 The first opening sequence I looked at was 'Skyfall'. In this opening of this trailer the credits of who stared/made the film appears ontop of a clip of a man being dragged down to die. The background music is played through out of this trailer, which creates tension and suspense. The colours are dark throughout to present mystery and death. This trailor mis-leads the audience in to believing that 'James Bond' is drowning and has been killed. 
 Conventions uses in this scene:
Credits of the characters and Directers.
Music is non-diegetic
Dark death like colours used throughout.
Name of the film.


The second film opening sequence I watched was the 'fight club'. This trailer is fast moving with the camera constantly moving at a fast pace. The music is non-diegetic and is the same throughout the film. The way the camera and the music are both fast paced it makes the sequence tense and builds up excitement. The way the directer has designed the trailor makes it exhilarating and makes the audience want to watch the film. The background colour is also very dark with little light creating suspense and tension. The conventions used in the opening sequence are;
The names of both characters and directors,
the name of the film.
and the non-diegetic music.

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