Tuesday 9 April 2013

Main Task post 4a: plot development


Target Audience:


A very evil man tries to corrupt the education system by stealing the exam papers but will the agents stop him?


A few days before the A level exams papers are about to be given to the students to take. Evil character Nigel tries to corrupt the education system by stealing the exam papers and has plans to reveal the questions. However what Nigel doesn't know is that Secret agents for OFSTED have been on his case for a long time and have been training hard so that they will be strong enough to beat Nigel. Everything seems to be going to plan for Nigel until secret agents Zeus and Barry arrive to spoil his plans.
  Nigel soon realises that he must exit quickly as the agents are now trying the break the door to the room of which Nigel is in. Nigel manages to steal what he needed and get out before agents Zeus and Barry could get in.
 However whilst Nigel is running to escape the agents find a way to get out and chase him, Zeus with his arm of pure muscle and power throws an orange from long distance which travels far and strikes Nigel causing him to collapse and to be captured. The agents have managed to save the day and the education system for now...

Opening sequence outline: 

It starts off with agents Zeus and Barry looking into the distance. It then shows them training hard so that they will be ready to face Nigel however they aren't the strongest of people so a lot of help is needed. It will have loads of cuts to different types of exercises. It then goes into a faced paced selection of scenes showing Nigel trying to escape. Ending is a slow moving orange hitting Nigel in the face.

In our opening sequence it will include a lot of jump cuts and a few long shots, showing the fast paced action in the film hooking the audience in. There will also be a face paced non-diegetic music in the back ground. Hooking the audience in making them want to watch more. Also creating tension and giving it a more realistic view.

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