Monday 29 April 2013

Post 8 MAIN TASK: Pre-Production Documentation

Full Synopsis of film:

     The film is set in the middle of May, when students are preparing to sit there A level exams in a couple of days. An evil man who failed his A levels many years back has been planning to take revenge on the exam board for failing him. He is a very troubled man with many issues. Nigel (the evil man) has decided that this year is the year he will take revenge on the exam board. 
      Throughout the film, the writer presents to the audience how disturbed Nigel is and how angry the man is. Making the audience straight away dislike him. 
      However what Nigel doesn't know is that Secret agents from OFSTED have been on his case for a long time as they were tipped off by a source very close to Nigel and were worried he would do something silly. As a result of the tip off the agents have been training hard so that they will be strong enough to beat Nigel. Nigel thinks he is un-stopable and believes everything is going to plan and begins the first stage of his revenge by breaking into the school who have the A level papers ready for the students. However what he doesn't realise is that secret agents Zeus and Barry have followed him and have arrived to spoil his plans.
      Nigel whilst in the middle of his plan soon realises that he must exit quickly as he notices the agents, trying the break the door to the room of which Nigel is in. Nigel manages to steal what he needed and makes a swift exit out just before agents Zeus and Barry could get in.
      However whilst Nigel is running to escape the agents find a way to get out and chase him, Zeus with his arm of pure muscle which is stronger than a bull, faster than a cheater throws an orange from long distance which travels far and strikes Nigel causing him to collapse and to be captured. The agents have managed to save the day and the education system for now...

Full synopsis of Opening sequence:

     The opening sequence begins with agents Zeus and Barry looking into the distance. It then quickly cuts into scenes which shows them training hard in order for them to be ready to face Nigel however Zeus's partner Barry isn't the strongest of men so he needs a lot of help when he is training. Continuous cuts to both of them doing different types of exercises. It then goes quickly into a fasted paced selection of scenes throughout showing Nigel trying to escape and him running away. However it ends with a slow motion scene of a orange hitting Nigel in the face and him collapsing to the ground.

     Our opening sequence will include loads of jump cuts and a few long shots, showing the fast paced action in the film hooking the audience in. There will also be a face paced non-diegetic music in the back ground as a way to add tension and excitement. This as a result will hook the audience in making them want to watch more. It will create tension, excitement, giving it a more realistic feel.

Risk assessment:
My group and I decided we were going to shoot our film in and around the school premises. Our opening sequence had a few risks in it so we had to make sure we worked in a safe manor. The first risk was our film required a lot of running so we made sure that Sam practiced before we filmed and that he didn't run a full speed. Another risk was when Henri jumped off the wall. We made sure that there wasn't any danger when Henri fell so he wouldn't hurt himself. The final risk was when Sam got hit by the orange. We made sure that when we threw the orange it wasn't hard so it would not hurt him. After we assessed the potential risks and addressed them we began to film.

Location Recce:

Shot List and shooting schedule:

Crew List:
Nigel: Sam Nourbaksh 
Zeus: Sean Kelly
Barry: Henri Mullany

Mise en scene:

Set Design/Location:
Field: Natural look.
Class Room: Dark room, giving the sense of danger.
School playground: showing Nigel running away.

A big bag so Nigel can place the exam papers.
2 oranges

When filming outside we will be working with natural light, so our location outside will be bright. When filming in the classroom, barely any light will be used as the room will be dark as it creates a sense of danger.

Costumes/hair make up:
All characters will be wearing suits in all scenes.
All will be looking natural.

Character Movement:
As our film is an action/comedy film, there will be a lot of character movement from the start and throughout. It will be a fast paced so the characters will be moving quickly throughout. Our film will consist of running on a playground, into a classroom and a quick throw across a playground.

Shooting schedule:

Individual report:

Our film was created to show an effected action/comedy opening sequence that gives the audience a good story line that is funny and powerful. Our target audience was aged 15+ males. Our biggest problem when producing the opening sequence was the amount of time we had to film it and how we were going to make it look excited via the fast pace of our scene. With the help of editing we were able to add the music which made it that little more exciting.

In my opinion I believe my group and I worked well and decided the best plan for our opening sequence without any disagreements. Hopefully the audience will enjoy our opening sequence and wish to see the whole film.

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