Thursday 2 May 2013

MAIN Post 12.4: Question 4

 Who would be the audience for your media product?

From looking at box office statistics and from the questions I done in the pre-production research, it showed me which age group like what genre and the amount of money the genres turn over. After analysing my research I concluded that my groups target audience would be 15+ males.

By narrowing down my target audience, I came to the conclusion that males aged between 18-20 who were still in some kind of education, would want to see the film. As these students will be in education they will usually have time in the evening to do something and a good way to kill some time would be to go to the cinema. They will also have money in their banks due to student loans etc, which means they will be able to go and watch the film. Also as they are still in education, they will have a lot of time off during the holidays which means they will have the time to go out to the cinema. From the research I found that males prefer action and comedy film compared to other genres hence the reason why so many big name films such as 'the hangover' are aimed at the younger male population because that is where the biggest audience will be which results in higher profits. Also 18-20 year old males spend a lot of time of the internet and especially on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. With them being online so much they will be able to see what other people have said about the film and decide whether to go watch it or not. Also this age group would be stress free as they don't have to pay big mortgages and can have fun, before they have to start paying money back. This age group would be vital if I wanted to make my film successful and that is why this target audience is an important part for my media product.

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