Thursday 2 May 2013

MAIN task post 12.1: Question 1

Post Title - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Below is the video of the directory commentary;

We have had problems trying to upload this video.

Below is a director's commentary highlighting how my opening sequence uses or breaks away from conventions.

The way my group and I constructed our opening sequence was similar if not exactly the same as the original plan expect we cut out the final scene were Nigel gets hit in the face by an orange, as a way of finishing on a cliff hanger, making the audience want to watch more.
My group and I spent a lot of time finding the appropriate sound for the opening sequence. We made sure that the music we selected would create tension and suspense, hooking the audience in.

Mise-en-scene and Camera:

Cuts: We used a lot of cuts to make the scene look fast and exhilarating, also as another way to hook the audience in. However after getting feedback from the audience we could have used more close up to the characters faces, so that the audience could see the characters emotions better.
  My group and I decide that the most suitable place to film our opening sequence was in and around the school premises as our film is about an evil man stealing the exam papers from the school. This was a perfect place to film as we had the ability when inside to make the light dark enough to portray the pure evil one of the character has. This would not have been possible outside. At the beginning of our opening sequence we used long shots to show the location and to set the scene. Throughout our opening sequence it is full of scenes of running, to portray the excitement and action in the film. 
During the opening sequence we have edited in the credits of each character, in different colours. The colours we chose for the credits were colours that would stand out when the good guys names came up but would show dark and evil when the bad guy name came up.
My group and I opening sequence uses the traditional conventions of both action and comedy in order to to straight away tell the audience what genre it is and too hook the audience in and get them excited.

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