Thursday 2 May 2013

MAIN Post 12.5: Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract our audience we used different techniques. Due to the fact that our film is action comedy we used elements from both action and comedy films to make the film exciting. A lot of shots of from action films such as running and jumping things have been adapted in our opening sequence. By doing this it adds tension and suspense. Below are the pictures of some of the action shots. 

To attract the action audience we made the room very dark to portray our villain and to show Nigel pure evil. This makes the audience more involved in the film as they take sides with the agents and immediately dislike Nigel and wish him no luck. Below is the picture.

We tried to attract the our comedy audience by adding funny shots of our agents messing up humorously. Below is a shot of Agent Barry running into a locked door while trying to find and capture Nigel, being silly and hitting his face. 

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