Thursday 2 May 2013

MAIN Post 12.7: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at the preliminary tasks, I have widened my knowledge of the way film companies work and the different stages of production. I now have a very good understanding of camera knowledge which applies when filming such as the cuts, close ups and 180 degree rule. By the help of the audience and their feedback my group and I noticed we had made mistakes. However now i have a better understanding of our mistakes, I know for a fact that i will not make the same mistakes. From showing the class our prelim film they told us that some of our scenes were too long which made them loose interest. However thanks to the help of premier pro we were able to correct this problem. 
Another mistake we made was we kept on laughing which resulted in us rushing some of the scenes as we didn't have the time which we wanted. This caused some scenes to ruff and un professional like. However due to these mistakes, we learnt and didn't rush our main task and we remained as calm as possible, as a result of this our film looked better due to the extra time we had. Also it meant the audience enjoyed the film more and found it a lot more exciting and interesting.

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