Thursday 2 May 2013

MAIN task post 12.2: Question 2

Insert picture.

Above is a screenshot of two characters from my group and I opening sequence. The boy on the left is Zeus (played by myself Sean) and the boy on the right is Barry (played by Henri)t, these two are both similar in character however Barry is meant to be a bit silly.

A comparable character to agent Zeus would be Sergeant Angel in the action/comedy film, Hot Fuzz. They are both similar as they are both determined, positive attitude and believes he is the best around. Zeus would be in a 'un-popular' social group because he is more worried about doing a good job and completing the task than he is to make friends

A character who is similar to agent Barry would be the clumsy policeman in Hot Fuzz, 'Danny Butterman' . They are both similar to one another as they both are only in the force because of the father's being high up. They are also very similar in the way they act; as in they are both silly and very clumsy. Barry would fit into the social group as 'immature but popular'. In our opening sequence Barry is portrayed as clumsy and silly by doing numerous silly things.

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